My Calendar does WordPress event management with richly customizable ways to display events. The plug-in supports individual event calendars within WordPress Multisite, multiple calendars displayed by categories, locations or author, or simple lists of upcoming events.
Easy to use for anybody, My Calendar provides enormous flexibility for designers and developers needing a custom calendar.
- Buy the User’s Guide for extensive help with set up and use.
- Buy My Calendar Pro, the premium extension for My Calendar
- Use My Tickets and sell tickets to your My Calendar events
- Standard calendar grid and list views of events
- Show events in monthly, weekly, or daily view.
- Mini-calendar view for compact displays (as widget or as shortcode)
- Widgets: today’s events, upcoming events, compact calendar, event search
- Custom templates for event output
- Limit views by categories, location, author, or host
- Disable default CSS and default JavaScript or display only on specific Pages/Posts
- Editable CSS styles and JavaScript behaviors
- Schedule a wide variety of recurring events.
- Edit individual occurrences of recurring events
- Rich permissions handling to restrict access to parts of My Calendar
- Email notification to administrator when events are scheduled or reserved
- Post to Twitter when events are created. (with WP to Twitter)
- Location Manager for frequently used venues
- Fetch events from a remote MySQL database. (Sharing events in a network of sites.)
- Import events from Kieran O’Shea’s Calendar plugin
- Integrated Help page to guide in use of shortcodes and template tags
- Shortcode Generator to help create customized views of My Calendar
- Developer Documentation
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