Access-USA – Brailled Business Cards


Access-USA makes it easy to have your business cards braille embossed. You simply send them a box of your freshly minted cards with your content information and wait a couple weeks for them to be returned. Adding braille to your card makes it easy for all of your contacts to remember you and send you an email or give you a card with braille embossing

Access-USA also provides audio description, closed captioning, and other media services. They have been serving the US market for over 20 years.

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Access-USA is North America’s largest producer of high quality braille business cards.

We can braille a single box of business cards or a million bookmarks or folders with well defined, uniform, easy to read braille – quickly and economically.

When you send your standard, printed cards to Access-USA, we will braille them on the back with your name, your organization’s name and your phone number.

Any number of standard size business cards, up to 500, will be brailled for $65.95 per person.

If an order is larger than 500 the remainder of the cards will be billed at $11.00 / 100.

Shipping and handling will be additional.

Larger cards can also be brailled and can accommodate more information than regular cards.

Billing is treated as a second order if more than 4 lines of information are requested.

The parameters to consider when ordering a braille translation that may be different than above are the following:

  • we can braille up to 4 lines per card
  • 13 characters per line
  • we will automatically translate to Grade 2 braille unless otherwise instructed


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